/ Product Ranges / Sheep Range
Sheep Range
Veterinary Health Product
Health Canada NN.Z6M9
Recommended Use:
- Supports and optimizes gut health and gastrointestinal microbiota functions
- Promotes and maintains healthy immune function
- Contributes to nutrient absorption and healthy digestive metabolism
Interest of use:
- Better feed conversion.
- Alternative to the use of antibiotics (RWA, ABF,NAE and organic production)
- Do not create resistance
- Maximizes yield and return on investment
- Improves the zootechnical and economic results
- Contributes to lowering the pH of drinking water
Directions for Use:
Add and mix 2 L of TECNOGUT per 1000 L of drinking water for chickens, turkeys and swine.
Administration by metering pump:
To prepare a stock solution of 10 L, mix 2 L of TECNOGUT in 8 L of drinking water and stir the solution well before dispensing. Set the metering pump to 1:100. Administer during 7 days.
Prepare a fresh solution every day.
No withdrawal period is required.
20 L
210 L
Veterinary Health Product
Health Canada NN.M1M3
Recommended Use:
- Selenium and vitamin E are essential components for the healthy function of muscular, vascular and nervous systems.
- Vitamin E helps to support or maintain reproductive health and a healthy immune system.
Directions for Use:
Add and mix 500 ml of E-SELEN per 1000 L of drinking water. Administer during 3 to 4 days.
Administration by metering pump:
To prepare a stock solution of 10 L, mix 500 ml of E-SELEN in 9,5 L of drinking water and stir the solution well before dispensing. Set the metering pump to 1:100. Prepare a fresh solution every day.
4 x 4 L
20 L
Dietary Supplement
Vitamins, Trace Elements and Herbal Extracts
For ewes
- Promotes natural stress resistance.
- Promotes resistance to infectious diseases.
- Stimulates antibody production in sheep, in order to facilitate the transmission of antibodies to the lambs, via colostrum.
- Reduces nutritional deficiencies and subdeficiencies of the ewe during fetus growth.
- Promotes the main functions of digestive and respiratory organs.
- Promotes proper bone building and growth as well as hoof formation.
- Promotes toxin elimination through metabolic detoxification (food dejection and microbial toxins).
- Increases ewe life expectancy.
- Facilitates lambing (increase white muscle tonus for expelling the lamb).
- Promotes blood oxygenation of the mother and fetus during lambing.
- Increases lamb viability.
- Increases lamb weight and homogeneity at birth.
- Maintains good sanitary and reproductive status of the herd, in order to optimize zootechnical results.
- Promotes natural stress and disease resistance (non-specific immunity).
- Prevents digestive disorders (diarrhea).
- Prevents pulmonary problems.
- Promotes proper bone formation.
- Increases digestive functions, metabolization and food assimilation.
- Stimulates and eliminates metabolic toxins.
- Increases zootechnical performances.
- Best average daily gain (ADG).
- Best Feed Conversion (FC).
- Better return on carcass.
- Better carcass classification.
- Better meat quality.
- Promotes antibody production to improve transition to antibodies transmitted by the ewe.
Vitamin A
Vitamin D3
Vitamin E
Vitamin C
Vitamin B12
Selenium chelate
Iron chelate
Cobalt chelate
Zinc chelate
Manganese chelate
Magnesium chloride
For ewes
Gestation: 4 to 5 gr/day/ewe, for the last 50 days of gestation.
Nursing: 4 gr/day/ewe for the 20 days following lambing.
First 40 days: 3 gr/day/lamb
Day 41 to 70: 2 gr/day/lamb
Being very careful and actively preventing a maximum of pathological disorders by the proper stimulation of the main organic functions are two key elements of good ovine production performance
OVI— PLUS® has been perfected to provide maximum livestock performance.
25 kg
Veterinary Health Product
Health Canada NN.E3S9
Recommended Use:
- Supports healthy digestive functions.
- Promotes healthy and optimal liver function and metabolism.
- Supports the health and proper functioning of organs, such as the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, kidneys and intestines.
Directions for Use:
- Chickens and turkeys: Add and mix 1 L of NUTRIAL per 1000 L of drinking water. Administer during 5 days.
- Laying hens: Add and mix 1 L of NUTRIAL per 1000 L of drinking water. Administer during 6 days once a month.
Administration by metering pump:
To prepare a stock solution of 10 L, mix 1 L of NUTRIAL in 9 L of drinking water and stir the solution well before dispensing. Set the metering pump to 1:100. Prepare a fresh solution every day.
Adult cattle:
Growing and finishing beef cattle: Top dressed on daily ration 60 ml of NUTRIAL per head per day. Administer once daily, during 5 days.
Dairy cattle calving preparation and start of lactation: Top dressed on daily ration 150 ml of NUTRIAL per head per day. Administer once daily, during 5 days.
20 L
Veterinary Health Product
Health Canada NN.Z5M8
Recommended Use:
Good source of energy, electrolytes and vitamins to support healthy immune function, hydration and optimal electrolyte balance. Use during periods of external stress (temperature changes, transport, vaccination and dietary transition) of beef cattle, dairy cattle, poultry and chicks starting.
Directions for Use:
For dairy cattle, beef cattle, chickens and turkeys during periods of external stress and to maintain a good appetite: Add and mix 3 L of HYDRASOL per 1000 L of drinking water. Administer during 5 days.
Chicks starting:
Add and mix 3 L of HYDRASOL per 1000 L of drinking water. Administer from day 1 to day 7.
Administration by metering pump:
To prepare a stock solution of 10 L, mix 3 L of HYDRASOL in 7 L of drinking water and stir the solution well before dispensing. Set the metering pump to 1:100. Prepare a fresh solution every day.
20 L
Specially Formulated for Bovines and Goats
The feed of dairy cows and goats is very poor, even devoid of any vitamins, due to ingredient fermentation (silage, maize, grass, hay, etc.). That is why a daily intake of vitamins is necessary to optimize production and ensure good health (through TMR).
Vitamins presented in solid form and supplied in the alimentary bolus stay in the rumen throughout the entire ruminal phase (12 hours).
These vitamins undergo stress and degradation due to micro-organisms produced during ruminal fermentation. This degradation can reach more than 70%.
VITABOV® is a mixture of fat-soluble (ADE) and water-soluble (B complex) vitamins in a very concentrated liquid form.
VITABOV® supplies vitamins through drinking water. Since this water remains very little time in the rumen, it does not allow, or allows very little, degradation of the vitamins it transports— in short, it creates a “Bypass” effect.
This transport medium allows for better vitamin bioavailability once it reaches the intestine.
Fat-soluble vitamins undergo enzymatic hydrolysis under the action of pancreatic and intestinal esterases to be absorbed through the intestinal walls via lipid micelles.
Water-soluble vitamins are absorbed through intestinal walls by active transport.
Inject in the drinking water circuit with a dosing pump.
Feed Application Rate
250 ml for 1,000 litres of water.
Vitamin A
Vitamin D3
Vitamin E
Thiamine hydrochloride
Nicotinamide (Niacin)
D-calcium pantothenate
Pyridoxine hydrochloride
Folic acid
Vitamin B12
20 L
100 L
210 L